Timeless & Romantic Wedding Inspiration

Introducing Josie Richardson Photography

Only the brightest new and best photographers, designers and wedding professionals are chosen to grace the pages of Chic Vintage Brides and to be shared with you; so I am super excited to be introducing you today to one of CVB’s lovely and brilliant new sponsors Josie Richardson Photography. I can not stress enough the importance…

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Snippets, Whispers & Ribbons

Snippets, Whispers & Ribbons #47

You might get the inkling from this post that I am feeling a tad Christmassy!…. how could anyone not with all the lovely inspiration?? The wide world of the web has been abounding this week with the most beautiful Yule Tide ideas for DIY projects, soirees, refreshments and of course weddings. and I have selected my faves for this…

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Chic Vintage Bride

Chic Vintage Bride – Hilda

Last week’s Chic Vintage Bride was all about the pomp and splendour of the fancy and frivolous 1953 wedding of Jacqueline Bouvier, whereas today’s post is all about this happy couples beaming smiles……  Have you ever seen a more gleeful pair? That photo just makes me happy! I wish I could share the who, where…

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20 Dapper Summer Boutonnieres

Another one for the boys today! Following on from the 20 Staggering Winter Boutonnieres, this week it is the turn of some Summer inspiration for our Grooms and Groomsmen. Be it colours, flowers or floral alternatives I have a boutonniere perfect for every venue, theme, scheme and budget! Starting with some lovely delicate colours perfect for…

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Snippets, Whispers & Ribbons

Snippets, Whispers & Ribbons #46

Summer has definitely arrived here in sunny Hawkes Bay – the Pohutukawas are blooming, cicadas singing and this week it has been hot, hot, hot! So I am embracing the summer for this week’s Snippets, Whispers & Ribbons…. 1. And if the weather hadn’t got me feeling summery this Red Hot Summer Wedding Inspiration Board from…

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