Timeless & Romantic Wedding Inspiration


Introducing Josie Richardson Photography

Only the brightest new and best photographers, designers and wedding professionals are chosen to grace the pages of Chic Vintage Brides and to be shared with you; so I am super excited to be introducing you today to one of CVB’s lovely and brilliant new sponsors Josie Richardson Photography.

Josie Richardson Photography

I can not stress enough the importance of choosing the right photographer for your big day – one whose style compliments your theme; one who captures all those important little looks and moments, and whose work in doing so makes your heart skip a beat. More importantly one who creates the ease that allows these moments to flow freely.

In sharing with you the lovely sponsors of Chic Vintage Brides my hope is to make your search for just such a photographer that little bit easier. So, let me share with you some of Brisbane based Josie’s wonderful work, whilst we learn a little more from the lady herself…..

Aimee & Nick Engagement Shoot

“Photography began for me at 16.

I put together an art project based on my local area, Byron Shire, using  my father’s old Pentax SLR to document some of the local culture and architecture, most of which has since been redeveloped. I quickly adopted the medium, which could instantly record its subject, but still allow the artist to show their own creative interpretation.  The ability to document society, people, life etc in conjunction with telling a story in a single image, is what makes the photograph unique and special to me.”

Aimee & Nick Wedding

Aimee & Nick Wedding

Aimee & Nick Wedding

Aimee & Nick Wedding

“I’m drawn to people and how the world immediately around us is affected as we pass through this thing called ‘Life’. How we affect one another at a micro level, through love, affection, economy, music, change, the whole gamut really.  And when I’ve got my camera in hand I’m always chasing a great moment set amongst the right composition to really give the viewer a slice of life, the feeling of what it meant to ‘be there’.”

Aimee & Nick Wedding

Aimee & Nick Wedding

Aimee & Nick Wedding

“When I’m not taking photographs I share my home with my beautiful and funny son and a ridiculously cute, but slightly fat beagle named Jerry. We love cuddling on the couch together whilst watching off-beat comedies life ‘The Office’ and ‘Parks and Recreation’. My son and I laugh uncontrollably whilst Jerry snores. He doesn’t really care what we are watching, just as long as he gets to be on the couch with us.”

Something Blue

Something BlueSomething Blue

“When I was trying to come up with an expression to explain my photography I didn’t want to box myself into weddings alone. I LOVE weddings and that is really where I want to be for all the reasons I’ve written above.  To me, a wedding is a snapshot of life’s best examples of humanity. One day for people to rejoice in their relationships and celebrate the start of something momentous in the lives of two people. But, I want to photograph more than that, I want to be a ‘photographer of life’ as it is ever changing and growing. To capture memories as they’re being made through the perspective given to me by my own life and loves. My goal is to create great images. Images which resonate with the viewer by being both authentic and artistic.”

Foray into Film - Josie Richardson

Foray into Film - Josie Richardson

Foray into Film - Josie Richardson

I love Josie’s forays into film! Whilst I love the malleability of digital photography, nothing can recreate the texture, depth and animation captured by proper, old fashioned film!

You can see much more of Josie’s fabulous work on her website, and follow her on Facebook.

Oh and keep an eye out for I have such a treat coming soon for you from Josie – a fashion shoot inspired by some of the most glamorous decades of the 20th century, the shoot that first brought Josie Richardson Photography to my attention, it is divine!! Here is a little bit of a sneak peek…..

Josie Richardson Photography

Josie Richardson Photography(All Images from Josie Richardson Photography)

Honestly you are just going to love it!!




This is a Sponsor Introduction. If you would like to learn more about CVB and its analytics, or the various advertising and sponsorship options available, please do get in touch. Email me at amy@chicvintagebrides.com.