Timeless & Romantic Wedding Inspiration

Chic Vintage Bride

Chic Vintage Bride – Joan

Of all the eras, I always find wedding photos from the 1940s most poignant because they so rarely reveal the hardships endured at the time (I think that’s why I love this chic vintage bride so much) Their smiling faces never betray the feeling that their joy and happiness could end all too soon. There is just a sense of making the most of every moment. I feel there’s much we could learn from the brides of the 1940s…..

Chic Vintage 1940s Wedding - Joan & Jean

(Image Source)

Today’s beautiful chic vintage bride is Joan and her dapper groom in his soldier’s uniform is Jean. I know little of what happened to them after their wedding some time in 1943, but I hope this was just the beginning of a long and happy life together.

